Manantial Espejo is an open pit and underground silver-gold mine located in Santa Cruz, Argentina and is 100% owned by Pan American.
Silver and gold mineralization is present as epithermal veins, vein breccias, sheeted and stockwork veining, and minor disseminations. Ore is mined at Manantial Espejo using a combination of conventional open pit and underground mining methods. The surface mining...
Navidad is a development stage silver property located in Chubut, Argentina.
Pan American acquired the project in 2010 through the acquisition of Aquiline Resources Inc. Silver, lead, and minor amounts of copper mineralization are present as epithermal, stratiform veins and disseminations
A preliminary economic assessment completed in 2011 anticipated a daily production rate of 15,000 tonnes...
Pan American holds a 95% interest in Pan American Silver Bolivia (“PASB”). The remaining 5% of PASB is owned by Urion Holdings (Malta) Ltd., an affiliate of Trafigura Baheer B.V. PASB has a joint venture agreement (Contrato de Riesgo Compartido) with Corporación Minera de Bolivia (“COMIBOL”) the state mining company of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, pursuant to which PASB holds a...
Pan American’s vision is to be the world’s pre-eminent silver producer, with a reputation for excellence in discovery, engineering, innovation and sustainable development. Pan American Silver is headquartered in Vancouver, BC, and was founded in 1994 with the intention to provide investors with the best vehicle to gain real exposure to silver. Today, after more than two decades of...
Dolores is an open pit silver-gold mine located in Chihuahua, Mexico, and was acquired in 2012 as part of Pan American’s acquisition of Minefinders Corporation Ltd.
Silver and gold mineralization is present as structurally controlled, low to medium sulphidation epithermal veins, silica stock works, breccias, and replacements. Mining at Dolores is currently by standard open pit methods using...
The mine was acquired by Pan American in 2001. Silver, zinc, lead, and copper mineralization is present as epithermal veins, mantos, and limestone replacements. Mining is undertaken using a combination of mechanized sub-level long hole stoping, and mechanical and conventional cut and fill.
Huaron operates an 870,000 tonne per year nominal capacity mill using froth induced flotation technology...
La Colorada is an underground polymetallic silver mine located in Zacatecas, Mexico, and was acquired by Pan American in 1998. Silver, gold, zinc, and lead mineralization is present as epithermal veins, breccia pipes, mantos, and lime stone replacements in three main zones known as Candelaria, Estrella, and Recompense. The mining method used at all three mines is cut and fill stoping.
Pan American entered into an agreement in 2004 to purchase the mine and currently has a total ownership interest of approximately 92.3%. Silver, zinc, lead, and copper mineralization is present as a complex system of epithermal veins, mantos, and limestone replacements.
Underground mining operations at Morococha consist primarily of conventional and mechanized overhand cut and fill, long hole...
The Peñasquito Polymetallic Mine is the fifth largest silver mine in the world and the second largest in Mexico. It is located in north-eastern corner of the State of Zacatecas and is wholly owned by Newmont Goldcorp. It is an open pit operation which began operations in March 2010, but still managed to produce 13,952,600 ounces of silver that year. Estimated reserves for the Peñasquito Mine...
The Pitarrilla deposit is a large silver deposit located in north central Mexico in the state of Durango. Pitarrilla represents one of the largest unexploited silver resources in Mexico and in the world having estimated reserves of 479 million oz of silver. The deposit also has reserves amounting to 157.2 million tonnes of ore grading 0.29% lead and 0.79% zinc.