Hochschiild San Jose Mine

Operational Mines

The San Jose silver-gold mine is located in Argentina, in the Santa Cruz province, 1,750 kilometres south-southwest of Buenos Aires. The property covers a total area of 50,491 hectares and consists of 46 contiguous mining concessions totalling 40,499 hectares and an exploration permit covering almost 10,000 hectares. The San Jose property is located approximately 20 kilometres north of Goldcorp’s Cerro Negro project.

Title to the San Jose property is held by Minera Santa Cruz, S.A. ("MSC"), the holding and operating company set up under the terms of an option and Joint Venture Agreement between McEwen Mining Inc. (49%) and Hochschild Mining Argentina (51%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hochschild.

The mineralisation at the San Jose property represents a low sulphidation type with quartz sulphide veins with economic silver and gold values and has geological and mineralogical characteristics similar to those of the Company’s Peruvian operations. San Jose commenced operations in June 2007 and the deposit is mined using the cut and fill method. The plant at San Jose has a capacity of 1,500 tonnes per day.

In 2016 silver equivalent production at San Jose was 13,721 koz comprised of 6,691 koz of silver and 95.01 koz of gold production.

Last Updated on: 2021-06-15