Silver Blog

The Silver Hall of Fame blog celebrates silver’s diverse impact across history, art, and technology. Covering topics from silver’s role in ancient medicine and cultural legends to its modern applications in nanotechnology, this blog offers a rich exploration of this precious metal. Here, readers can learn about silver’s influence on industries, its environmental implications, and historical anecdotes, like the Great 1855 Gold Train Robbery. With a blend of educational content and fascinating stories, the Silver Hall of Fame blog invites enthusiasts to delve deeper into silver’s legacy and ongoing significance.


Mining Industry Insights: from the Morgan Report
Silver’s Underperformance and the Opportunity Ahead

2024-10-29 Last Updated on: 2025-01-10

The mining industry is no stranger to cycles of high demand and slumps, and in recent years, silver has fallen into a period of underperformance compared to other metals. However, for investors willing to look past current market conditions, there are indicators that silver may be poised for a rebound, offering unique opportunities. David Morgan’s article in The Morgan Report delves into why...