Willett G. Miller
1866 — 1925
Dr. Willet G. Miller, a world-renowned geologist, had an enormous influence on the scientific advancement and mineral development of Canada, and particularly Ontario, in the early decades of the 20th century. His memory has been perpetuated by such practical tokens as a bronze plaque on a cairn at Cobalt, Miller Hall at Queen's University, and the Willet G. Miller Medal of the Royal Society of Canada. Less tangible, but of deeper significance, is the leadership and guidance he provided to that group of geologists, engineers, and prospectors who got their start at Cobalt, and from thence went on to find and develop other mining camps in all parts of Canada. At the time of his death in 1925 he was referred to in such terms as "the father of the Cobalt camp", "the chief authority on the Precambrian Shield", "the wisest of advisors on the mineral development of Ontario", and "a great public servant". Miller's friends pronounced a very simple eulogy: "Big in body, big in heart, and, big in brains". As Ontario's first Provincial Geologist Dr. Miller's life and work continues as an inspiration to geologists in Ontario and across Canada. It was his findings that propelled the Cobalt Silver Rush.
Last Updated on: 2024-02-28