Thomas Sutton
1819 — 1875
Thomas Sutton, who was born in Kensington, London, studied architecture before earring a Bachelor of Arts degree from Caius College in Cambridge. Photography first entered his life in 1841 when he posed for a daguerreotype portrait in Antoine Claudet's studio. In 1855 he set up a photographic company in Jersey with business partner Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard that produced prints from calotype (paper coated with silver) negatives. Sutton's photographs preserved the colour information in black-and-white silver images containing no actual colouring matter, so they were very light-fast and durable and the set may reasonably be described as the first colour photographs.
He published The Calotype Process: A Hand Book to Photography on Paper and A New Method of Printing Positive Photographs By Which Permanent and Artistic Results May Be Uniformly Obtained. In later years he focused on colour photography and experimented with dry plate development.
Last Updated on: 2024-02-28