

Paul Sarnoff

1918 — 1999

Paul Sarnoff was, in addition to being a career commodities trader, a prolific writer. His 30-some titles include "Silver Bulls: The Great Silver Boom and Bust," covering the seven months leading up to the rise and fall of silver during 1979 and 1980. It is a constructive and contrarian narrative, placing blame not on the infamous Hunt brothers but instead on the claque of short-traders who, with U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank's assistance, brought the silver market to a crash.

His other titles include "Russel Sage, The Money King," "Trading in Gold," "Getting Rich With OPM: The Fine Art of Personal Leverage," and "Puts and Calls: The Complete Guide."

Sarnoff remained a silver bull to the end of his life, and argued strongly for a case that the paper market in silver manipulates and vastly underprices its real value as both a commodity and as a precious metal. He was a descendant of David Sarnoff, a pioneer of early American radio and television.

Last Updated on: 2024-02-28